Jeroen schrieb am 19.03.2024 um 12:59:
I have some style adjustments for the chapters. The chapter "numbers" need to be Boek I, Boek II, etc. A vertical separator was introduced with an inframe. The chapter title at the right side does not vertically align properly with the chapter number in the frame (inside the frame is vertically centered, the title not). Is there a way to align the chapter title with the chapter number?
\starttexdefinition MyNumberChapterCommand #1 \inframed[frame=off,rightframe=on,framecolor=black, rulethickness=1px,height=30pt]{#1\enspace} \stoptexdefinition
\setuphead[chapter][style={\bfc},numbercommand=\MyNumberChapterCommand, page=no]
\define[2]\MyNumberChapterCommand {#1\space\blackrule[width=1pt,height=22pt,depth=8pt]\space#2} \setuphead [chapter] [ page=no, command=\MyNumberChapterCommand, style=\bfc] Wolfgang