Thanks for the very speedy reply.
2011/2/24 Andreas Harder
I have a Dutch document where I use the word genereren. Because it is on the end of the line ge- is put on the end and nereren is put on the beginning of the next line. I find this quit ugly. Can I disable hyphenation, or let it behave more 'beautiful'? I searched on ContextGarden, but did not find anything.
\hyphenation{genereren} or \hyphenation{gene-re-ren} or \setuplanguage [du] % ? [lefthyphenmin=3,righthyphenmin=2]
It is of-course not only about genereren. So I choose your second option. I have included: \setuplanguage[nl][ lefthyphenmin=5, righthyphenmin=4, ] \language[nl] But I found something peculiar happening. I think it is a bug, but maybe I am wrong. Where genereren first was hypenated, it now gets put completly put at the end of the sentence. If that is possible now, why was it not possible beforehand? In another paragraph I am using gedocumenteerd. First it was gedo- cumenteerd, now it is gedocu- menteerd. What is happening here? -- Cecil Westerhof