Hi, list! I have two questions concerning MetaFun:


What is the correct way to pass a ConTeXt named color (e.g. xwi's "maroon") to MetaFun. Using (with \usecolors[xwi] loaded in the preamble):

withcolor maroon

does not work. I could copy-paste definitions from ConTeXt sources and do e.g.

\definecolor [maroon][r=.690196,g=.188235,b=.376471]

but it is unfeasible for complete color schemes. So, is there a better way to do it?


I was trying to do some stuff for my girlfriend using ConTeXt and I tried to randomize colors in MetaFun using normaldeviate. However, something interesting happens. The following:

draw outlinetext.f ("\framedtext[frame=off,width=fit,align=middle]{I love you \\ \CONTEXT}") %\CONTEXT is not my girlfriend, it's just for the example
(withcolor (normaldeviate,normaldeviate,normaldeviate) withpen pencircle scaled 1/5)
scaled 1 ;

changes the color of every letter. I don't complain (in fact it does look better), but I still have a question: what should I do if I wanted to select a random color first and then use it for the entire content? Thanks in advance.

Jairo :)