Hi, i did as suggested. The Mp.tex is rendering grpahics perfectly. but the pstoedit 3.40 seems to be having problems. it crashes while doing the convertion. However when I change the text "MP" to "MPOOOOL", it crashes with the same error. but the pdf output contains only "MPOOOO" with the last 'o'totally filled with gray circle and 'L' is missing. I did another example of the mmakempy manual of '\input zapf' for outline paragraph. It stops after converting the word 'coming' and nothing at all. what could be the problem. I am using gsview4.7 and gs8.51 with pstoedit3.4 in winXP. The old version 3.31 tried, but failed. I am able to get pstoedit3.33 on serach. Can you help. best wishes upendran Thanks __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com