7 Oct
7 Oct
8:04 p.m.
On Sun, 7 Oct 2007, frantisek holop wrote:
hmm, on Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 09:02:34PM +0200, Mojca Miklavec said that
\setupitemize[1][n] \setupitemize[2][a][left=(,right=),stopper=] \setupitemize[3][i] \setupitemize[4][1] % symbol nr. 1
ok, i would like to create 2 types of itemizations like in latex. \begin{enumarate} vs \begin{itemize} (or in html <ol> vs <ul>)
\begin{itemize} is basically \startitemize
how would i go about defining \startenumarate ? i thought of something like this, but it's not working:
\defineitemgroup [enum] [levels=6] \setupitemgroup[enum][1][n] \setupitemgroup[enum][2][a][left=(,right=),stopper=] % etc.. \starttext \startenum \item one \startenum \item two \stopenum \stopenum \stoptext Aditya