26 Jul
26 Jul
10:13 a.m.
2011/7/26 Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.
I tried to compile the example:
---- Zint.mkiv \usemodule[zint] ----
---- context.exe Zint.mkiv --mode=demo ----
But it seem that something doesn't work correctly under Windows - see the result attached and the log.
Pictures to be involved to the document are not generated and (error) messages
"zint není názvem vnitřního ani vnějšího příkazu, spustitelného programu nebo dávkového souboru."
(which means "zint is not a name of an internal or an external command, an executable or a batch file.") oops...of course you need zint So you need zint and ghostscript
-- luigi