On 30 May 2023, at 18:59, Thangalin via ntg-context
$ traceroute lmtx.pragma-ade.com 3 rc1bb-be150-1.vc.shawcable.net ( 22.062 ms 22.094 ms 22.127 ms 4 ( 23.964 ms 24.273 ms 23.612 ms Vancouver
5 ( 24.565 ms 24.926 ms 25.269 ms Edmonton
6 rc1bb-be214.vc.shawcable.net ( 23.201 ms 16.376 ms 16.637 ms back in Vancouver!
7 rc1wt.wa.shawcable.net ( 20.228 ms 15.492 ms 15.227 ms Winnipeg
8 sea-b1-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 24.968 ms 28.435 ms 24.726 ms Brussels (allegedly - I don't believe this gelocation site result because Winipeg isn't exactly close to the Atlantic and any undersea cable)
9 chi-b23-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 64.194 ms 64.310 ms 64.081 ms Chicago (that's more like it)
10 nyk-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 80.232 ms nyk-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 80.730 ms nyk-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 80.335 ms New York
11 nyk-b1-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 84.971 ms 85.189 ms 84.776 ms still New York - worth a site-seeing tour though!
12 upc-ic-355153.ip.twelve99-cust.net ( 90.268 ms 90.132 ms 90.416 ms Brussels
13 us-was03a-rd1-ae-8-0.aorta.net ( 165.845 ms 159.578 ms 161.045 ms Warsaw (plus an extra 75ms latency - that's longer than it took to cross the Atlantic)
14 nl-ams17b-rc1-lag-105-0.aorta.net ( 168.328 ms 161.507 ms 162.117 ms Amsterdam - at last!
15 asd-rc0001-cr101-be60-2.core.as33915.net ( 164.180 ms 168.938 ms 169.739 ms Amsterdam still
16 ( 165.693 ms 161.384 ms 161.558 ms Hoogeveen
17 * * * This timeout is almost certainly because the last server has been set to ignore UDP traffic.
$ traceroute -I lmtx.pragma-ade.com uses TCP packets rather than UDP and we get the final response much more quickly, which is: 17 d57d1da5.static.ziggozakelijk.nl ( which is in Hasselt. :-)
Something is funky on the network.
Yes. A bit of weirdness in Canada - which could be down to a fault causing re-routing. But the Warsaw hop, with its huge increase in latency looks like a misconfiguration. Update: just tried it through a VPN that emerges in Vancouver and I also get the trip to Warsaw with a big increase in latency. For some reason Aorta.net routing some (or maybe all) traffic through Warsaw - perhaps that's where the NSA pay them to spy on on all US->Europe traffic? [1] [1] Joke. (Besides, they'd never do it for traceroute packets because they'd want to hide their snooping.) ;-) [2] [2] Also a joke ;-) — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK