Hans Hagen
abbg770 <at> city.ac.uk wrote:
Font \*adobe12ptrmtfrm*:=name:Envy Code R*default at 12pt not loadable:
just ...
just use chars and digits
Sorry I didn't quiet understand that. Given this; $ mtxrun --script fonts --list --pattern=warnock warnockpro-bold WarnockPro-Bold WarnockPro-Bold.otf ... which of the following are correct; 1. \definefontsynonym [WarnockPro-Regular] [name:warnockpro-bold] 2. \definefontsynonym [WarnockPro-Regular] [name:WarnockPro-Bold] 3. \definefontsynonym [WarnockPro-Regular] [file:WarnockPro-Bold.otf] 4. \definefontsynonym [WarnockPro-Regular] [file:WarnockPro-Bold]
also, do you use the latest mtxrun, mtx-fonts and context? the first entry in the list should show the stripped name
I'm using cont-tmf.zip uploaded on 2008-08-05 18:50 (http://www.pragma-ade.nl/download-1.htm) extracted to ~/texmf. I need this because I use TeXLive 2007.
internally we strip names anyway but spaces are always kind of special in tex;
Hans, why does it compile fine when I copy the fonts over to the working directory? There must be something wrong with the OSFONTDIR variable. BTW, I think you should switch over to linux and make life easier for us :)