Hi. I use ConTeXt in Debian. If this helps, please keep it in mind: dpkg -l context gives: ii context 2012.05.30.20120611-1 Now, if you consider the following: <code> \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi] \definetypeface[mainface][mm][math][modern][modern][encoding=texnansi] \definetypeface [boldmath] [mm] [boldmath] [modern] [modern] [encoding=texnansi] \switchtobodyfont[palatino,14pt] \starttext Hi \startformula x = \boldsymbol{\Sigma}\Sigma \stopformula \stoptext </code> The issue I have is that this doesn't work, and throws me: ! Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. \mathboldsymbol ...t]$\mathsurround \zeropoint #1$ }} {\hbox {\switchtoformul... l.9 x = \boldsymbol{\Sigma} \Sigma However, if I make the 14pt above 11pt or 12pt, it works perfectly. Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks. Kumar -- Kumar Appaiah