Am 14.02.2021 um 16:11 schrieb Jigé
: Hi all.
I'm trying to place a TikZ picture in the margin. Here is a small example:
\usemodule[tikz] \setuplayout[backspace=4cm, topspace=2cm, height=middle] \starttext \input{lorem} \margintext{I have discovered a truly marvelous proof ... but this margin is too narrow to contain it.} \input{lorem} \inmargin{\externalfigure[cow] [width=\marginwidth]} % The above works. % The following does not: \input{lorem} \inmargin{ \starttikzpicture \draw[gray] (-2,0) grid (2,2) ; \draw plot [domain=-2:2, samples=50, smooth] (\x,{\x * \x}); \stoptikzpicture } \stoptext
Does \placefigure[margin]{caption}{... tikzpicture ...} fit your needs? That generally works, but using LMTX there’s a horizontal shift on left pages (still need to prepare a MWE for that). Hraban