Hi John,
My logic in thinking about this says odd=right=page 1 = list it first in the command. Anyway. I've been using ConTeXt for a couple of years and have found that the manuals usually lag behind the wiki. I gather most of my needed context info from this mailing list and the wiki. I will check out a manual and print pages that I think I'll need (or bookmark them or what-have-you), but rarely is the PDF manual the first place I look anymore.
You can certainly navigate all the known commands in the wiki using the taxonomy, but I find it much more useful just to put the command without the \ in front of it. So when looking for \setupheadertexts, I enter setupheadertexts in the search box and it returned the page I linked to. ConTeXt generally employs easy-to-remember names for commands, so a keyword search is helpful also.
Also without fail, this mailing list has some very bright people on it, who are quick and friendly with answers, no matter your level of use with ConTeXt.
At any rate, ConTeXt is very able, I hope you enjoy it! I also hope to be able to offer services like your wexford press sometime in the near future. The publishing landscape is changing rapidly!