abbg770@city.ac.uk wrote:
I can't seem to install ConTeXt manually. I've literally followed this page http://wiki.contextgaraden.net/Linux_User_Installation verbatim and I can't seem to compile even the most basic of documents. I'm running Fedora9 bit, and I do happen to have TeXLive with ConTeXt installed. The thing is I don't want to ruin the current install rather I'd like to have a version of ConTeXt that lives in my ~/. so that I can play about with it, I'm particurarly after the fonts that come with it.
I've attached some files with the outputs of running the commands.
I had to bounce those because they were too large, but I suspect that this step is the trouble maker already:
a. source ~/.context_env $PWD/tex => results in nothing.
What happens if you run the following command manually? $ source $(HOME)/tex/setuptex $(HOME)/tex (assuming you unpacked directly in your home) Best wishes, Taco