On 2012-06-04 Marcin Borkowski
Dnia 2012-06-04, pon o godzinie 14:33 +0200, Wolfgang Schuster pisze:
Load a font or move the \setlayer commands after \starttext.
Thanks a lot!
But why is that so?
Until some years ago the latin modern font was always automatically loaded, regardless of the users choice of font. Font loading takes a considerable amount of time (check the stats at the end of a context run). This led to the question: “Why start loading a big, complex font like latin modern before we know which font the user actually wants to use and waste several seconds on it, just to start loading the users choice afterwards?” The answer was: ”We delay loading the font until we know which font the user wants to use. If the user doesn't tell us, then we fall back to latin modern.” The body font is set up in the setup area (the part above \starttext). That, in turn, means that when having reached \starttext, the users choice of font is known and can be loaded. It is more efficient if a font other then latin modern is used. One drawback is that typeset text in the setup area has no font setup and will fall back to latin modern mono. Usually you don't typeset text in the setup area. However, layers are an exception and you need to set up the body font beforehand. Marco