I'm wondering if there has been a regression in the rendering of CJK recently? I'm attaching two screenshots from the same code: one with lmtx-20210509 (correct); and the other lmtx-20210613 (incomplete). This is what I have in the setups: % Support for Japanese \setscript[hanzi] \starttypescript[serif][sourcehanserifregular] \definefontsynonym[Serif][name:sourcehanserifregular][features={aalt,h ist,kern,liga}] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[sourcehanserifregular][rm][serif][sourcehanserifregula r] \define[1]\JA{\language[ja]{{\setscript[hanzi]\sourcehanserifregular #1}}} And this is the code behind the screenshots: {\tfx \everypar{\hangafter=1\hangindent=3em\relax} Karashima, N.~(1977) {\it Indo nyūmon} = \JA{\tfx インド入門} = {\it Introducing India}. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai. \useURL[url1][https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00345890][][\hyphenatedurl{https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00345890}]\from[url1 ] \hl[2.5] (1980) {\it Indasu bunmei: indo bunka no genryū o nasumono} = \JA{\tfx インダス文明 : インド文化の源流をなすもの} = {\it The Indus Civilization}. NHK bukkusu, 375. Tōkyō: NHK bukkusu. \useURL[url2][https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00354483][][\hyphenatedurl{https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00354483}]\from[url2 ] \hl[2.5] (1985) {\it Indo sekai no rekishizō} = \JA{\tfx インド世界の歴史像} = {\it Historical Image of the Indian World}. Minzoku no sekaishi, 7. Tōkyō: Yamakawa Shuppansha. \useURL[url3][https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00332312][][\hyphenatedurl{https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00332312}]\from[url3 ] \hl[2.5] (1992) {\it Minamiajia o shiru jiten} = \JA{\tfx 南アジアを知る事典} = {\it Cyclopedia of South Asia: indo suriranka nepāru pakisutan banguradishu būtan morudibu}. \JA{\tfx 東京 : 平凡社}. \useURL[url4][https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN08142729][][\hyphenatedurl{https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN08142729}]\from[url4 ] ... } Best, Richard -- T +6433121699 M +64210640216 E rmahoney@indica-et-buddhica.org IM https://t.me/rmahoney W https://indica-et-buddhica.org/ Indica et Buddhica Littledene Bay Road Oxford NZ