6 Jul
6 Jul
6:56 a.m.
Hello, I have a miktex installed on xp. Not too long ago I made a update. Yesterday I noticed that mptopdf won't do its job anymore. As I made a copy before upgrading so I could check the behaviour with the old version. The "old" version (which runs) is mptopdf 1.21 The "new" version is 1.3 The errormessage is: This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=mptopdf 2005.7.5) 6 JUL 2005 08:53 entering extended mode **fuenf.mp (fuenf.mp [MP to PDF] ! I can't find file `beginfig(1).tex'. <to be read again> When I replace the new file by the old one everything works again. Any suggestions? Wolfgang