On Wed, 4 Aug 2010, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 4-8-2010 6:51, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Wed, 4 Aug 2010, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 4-8-2010 9:16, Willi Egger wrote:
Hi all,
Any variation of the following construct breaks in MKII as long as there is no new line after the closing } of the vbox. MKIV does not have this problem.
\startbuffer[bf4] \vbox{ test }\stopbuffer
Please refer to the testfile
\stopbuffer has to be on a line of its own so
} \stopbuffer
Is it possible to have an "inline" version of \start...stopbuffer. So that
\buffer[options]{...} is similar to
\startbuffer[options] ... \stopbuffer
The functionality is already there. \type parses the contents correctly, and \startbuffer writes it to an external file. Something that combines the two will be great.
Such a feature will be handy for inline syntax highlighting with the t-vim module.
\setbuffer[bla]more bla\endbuffer
That does not work in mkii and does not look right for the user interface. For pretty printing using the inbuilt macros, one can use \startTEX .... \stopTEX and \typeTEX{...} Normally, I want the "display" version to insert blank spaces while the "inline" version to leave them alone. In the t-vim module, I can create environment \startvimTEX ... \stopvimTEX (that writes contents to file and inputs the result) but cannot easily create \typevimTEX. For that I will need to reimplement all the catcode trickery of \definetype and \definebuffer. Aditya