On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:09 PM, achim@jander.de wrote:
Hello, after struggling some weeks to get everything to work, i'm now nearly satisfied with typsetting via context. But there is one problem left for that i cant find any solution, even after googling for hours. I am typesetting documents with a large amount of footnotes, and want to have the footnote-number aligned to the correct decimal place. To explain: page one has footnotes 1 to 8, numbers are left-aligned, everything is good
----- 1 footnotetext 2 footnotetext 3 footnottext .... 8 footnotetext
page two has footnotes 9 to 12, so I want to have
9 footnotetext 10 footnotetext ...
but i only get: 9 footnotetext 10 foootnotextex.
I think, there is no easy solution, but maybe someone can give me a push to the direction how i can realize that behaviour (btw same problem is with numbered lists) Any hint is welcome,
Your ASCII art doesn't really show what you're after, but from your description, you could try something like this (I too have searched for this, and I don't think there is an easier solution; maybe something like this should go into the core): \def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 14pt{\hbox to 8pt{\strut\hfill #1}}} \setupnotedefinition[footnote][location=left,hang=0] \setupfootnotes[align={normal,hanging}, numbercommand=\NoteNumber] HTH Thomas