On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Mikael Persson wrote:
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Mojca Miklavec
wrote: On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Mikael Persson wrote:
Mojca, does it work both in mkii and mkiv for you?
I only tested in mkii so far (I suspect that mkiv suffers from the lack of Utopia in proper format, so one would need to check typescripts).
Thank you Mojca for your help!
I'm also being a bit curious about the [tf] in
\definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["2]
In math-fou.tex I see mi (Math Italics?) sy (Symbols?) ex (Extension?) mr (Math Roman?)
0) Are those names correct?
More or less yes.
1) What does the [tf] stand for? Text Font?
And what happened with the [mr]?
I wonder that as well. You can try one thing: \usetypescript[fourier][ec] \setupbodyfont[fourier] \showfont[MathRoman] \showfont[MathSymbol] \showfont[MathExtension] Then, repeat the same with \usetypescript[antykwa-torunska][ec] \setupbodyfont[antykwa] You'll notice that MathRoman differs in Antykwa Torunska and in Fourier. (You can also try \showfont[rm-lmr12].) Fourier is just a tiny bit non-standard. The slightly weird thing is this: \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Fourier-Math-Letters] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters] [futr8t] [encoding=ec] % maybe one should remove encoding=ec? The "math roman" equals ec encoding in this particular case. So in theory rm should be equal to tf here; I have no idea why it is not. The problem with tf is that it depends on encoding being used, in particular it means that it will be different in mkiv (if you manage to make it work in the first place).
2) I guess all [mr] (10 or so) in math-fou.tex safely can be changed to [tf]?
I would not just bet on it. I would try it first. If mr works, one should better leave mr, but I have no idea why it fails.
3) Does anyone know what has to be done to get this working in mkiv?
Hans, what's the strategy with non-unicode fonts, in particular Utopia? It doesn't come in otf format, but could still be used in both mkiv and XeTeX. Is there some type-something.tex foreseen for such fonts? Mojca