At 22:58 10/12/2003, you wrote:
On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Hans Hagen wrote:
hm, must be some kind of complex thing then, what is \thanks supposed to do?
No, it's not complex at all, and the answer ended up being trivial. The \thanks command is essentially a footnote to be used in the title portion of an article (or book, etc.) -- the big problem I was having was that the footnote mark was appearing fine, but the footnote text was nowhere to be found -- this was solved once I found the essentially hiden \footnotetext command and used that to place the text where I wanted it. After that, I needed to figure out how to reset the footnote counter (which was a pretty minor problem to solve).
\startstandardmakeup \startlocalfootnotes Thanks \footnote{test} \stoplocalfootnotes \vfill \placelocalfootnotes \stopstandardmakeup
That's not doing what I need. What I need is for the section headings in the text of the article to look like {section number}. {section title} -- I was able to insert the "." between the number and the title easily enough, but my solution turned off line wrapping for the title. I've attached an example that shows both what I am trying to do, and how my solution fails (on page 2 of the accompanying dvi).
\setuplabeltext[en][section={{},{.}},subsection={{},{.}}] should do that; i don't know why it does not break in your case Hans