Hello, (mostly) Taco, I don't know what the whole functionality of the urlbst (CTAN/biblio/bibtex/contrib/urlbst/) package is, but it offers an entity @webpage for bibiliography style, with url, author, title, year, lastchecked and note. I think it also adds a field url to every(?) other entity. It would be great to be able to use something like \cite[url][our nice garden], which would be equivalent to something like \useURL[bib:our nice garden][http://contextgarden.net][][http://contextgarden.net] \from[bib:our nice garden] and also add URLs to the list of publications (if requested) at the end of the file. Support would probably only make sense in the ConTeXt-wrapped bibliographies (actually is url often already present in usual bib files). Perhaps some other users have some more comments/suggestions about it. Mojca