I'm trying to define a custom scite lexer for a toy language I'm using. So far, I've copied a lexer from the distribution, changed its name and keywords, and it's all fine. I have a few questions, though: 1) my custom scite-context-lexer-xxxx.lua is found only if I put it in the distribution. It there a way to have it in my project's folder instead? 2) How do I customize colors? 3) Is it possible to embed TeX commands in \startscite..\stopscite environments, like /BTEX../ETEX in built-in typing? 4) Are scite lexers documented somewhere besides the source code? 5) May I rely on this feature to be stable? 6) It is my understanding that pret-xxx.lua files are obsolete. Is it correct? (If so, it would be nice to update the wiki to reflect that). To be clear, I'm not interested in using the Scite application. I just need to typeset formatted verbatim code. The vim module is fantastic and I already use it, but there are cases where I need a syntax not supported by Vim (and I'd rather avoid defining it on the Vim side) and/or need to embed TeX commands (anywhere, not only in comments). Nicola