Am 28.07.10 02:31, schrieb Martin Althoff:
When setting up protrusion, I noticed it "disappearing" despite being defined/setup. In a text, when I changed the font from Palatino to Sabon (with \setupbodyfont[sabon]), protrusion stopped working. Changing back to palatino, with nothing else changed, protrusion appeared again.
Note: getting the latest minimals update did not change anything: context: version: 2010.07.27 16:30, LuaTeX, Version beta-0.60.2-2010070117 on OSX 10.6.4
The following test file showed that if the \setupbodyfont takes place before \definefontfeature and \setupalign, protrusion fails completely. In the example 1 below it fails. Disabling the top \setupbodyfont and enabling the bottom \setupbodyfont gets it to work. However, it will fail for both Palatino and Sabon! I could not create an example for one font working and the other not.
Is the order of declaration important? That would be unusual in context by what I have seen so far. Am I missing something?
Fonts are sometimes special and when ypu load a font it's setting (e.g. ligatures, protrusion etc.) are frozen. To change the settings you need \definefontfeature before \setupbodyfont, of yourse there is \addff to change a certain setting but this is only meant for local changes and not for global range. Wolfgang