Hi, I was using rsfs (RalfSmithFormalScript) using the definition \def\mathrsfs#1{\text{\definedfont[RalfSmithFormalScript]#1\/}} rsfs comes in three design sizes, 10, 7, and 5. However $\max_{x \in \mathrsfs{X}}$ uses rsfs10 rather than 7. This is because RalfSmithFormalScript is a synonyn for rsfs10. If I use the plain tex method of loading rsfs \font\tenscr = rsfs10 at 12pt %bodyfontsize \font\sevenscr = rsfs7 at 9pt %scriptfontsize \font\fivescr = rsfs5 at 7pt %scriptscriptfontsize \skewchar\tenscr = '177 \skewchar\sevenscr = '177 \skewchar\fivescr = '177 \newfam\scrfam \textfont\scrfam = \tenscr \scriptfont\scrfam = \sevenscr \scriptscriptfont\scrfam = \fivescr \def\scr{\fam\scrfam} then I get rsfs7 in the subscripts. So, what is the ConTeXt equivalent of the above plain tex method of loading rsfs? Aditya