On 8/18/22 02:13, jethro Reuel via ntg-context wrote:
I am trying to put multiple PDF’s that were typeset differently into one document without modifying the individual files themselves. [...] The problem is the original page numbers show and I’d prefer that it did not. So I thought maybe I could clip all the page numbers from every page (since they are all in the same position across all the pages) but I don’t know how to do this with the \clip command. Any ideas? I already tried using \input but it gives some weird output in some places. It doesn’t have to use this method as long as it does what I need it to do.
Hi Jethro, it works using \clip with \externalfigure inside a loop (\dorecurse). With \getfiguredimensions you get the number of pages of each PDF document (\noffigurepages). The following source both generates the source PDF document and the imposed result with clipped pages (just to see a sample of the commands mentioned above): \startbuffer[newbuff] \setuppapersize[A3] \setupbodyfont[sans, 1200pt] \starttext \dorecurse{8} {\startmakeup[page][pagestate=start, align=center, style=\bf] \recurselevel \stopmakeup} \stoptext \stopbuffer \startmode[*first] \savebuffer[newbuff][source_page.tex, prefix=no] \executesystemcommand{context --purgeall source_page.tex} \stopmode \setuplayout[page] \setuppapersize[A6][A4] \setuppaper[nx=2, ny=2] \setuparranging [XY] \starttext \startnotmode[*first] \def\Doc{source_page.pdf} \getfiguredimensions[\Doc] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages} {\clip[hoffset=96mm, voffset=136mm, width=105mm, height=148mm] {\externalfigure[\Doc][page=\recurselevel]}} \stopnotmode \stoptext Just in case it might help, Pablo