On Sun, Mar 27, 2005 at 10:38:54AM +0000, Adam Lindsay wrote:
I guess my gripe was with how web pages work, combined with your prescriptive tone: I only looked at that page2.html, because that's the one you linked to. Deep linking happens all the time, and Google only multiplies the problem. People seeing only that page2 lose all context, and as a result, many people who have nothing to do with XML will see your page and think "oh, that's the only way to do it."
I agree with your point. Also, I realize I am a novice and not an expert who has worked with ConTeXt for 10 years. The problem is keeping the prose as concise as possible. Having to continually say at each description "One possible way to solve this problem that I found works for me is to..." would make things verbose. One soluton is to put a type of disclaimer at the top of each page: "This primary audience for this page is XML authors who want to use ConTeXt to format an XML document."
Thanks for yoru feedback. I wish I had understood the width=middle earlier.
Well, no problem. I feel like I'm still learning the intricacies of Layout, but I do intend on documenting some hacks sometime...
A pair of "Tips": * If you set cutspace/bottomspace to 0pt, ConTeXt automatically makes it equal to backspace/topspace
Ah! Good tip.
Now that you have cutspace sorted, horoffset and veroffset don't seem as necessary. (Especially as they don't seem to work with odd/even layouts, at least as I've observed.)
Yes, I thought of that last night. I kept that section in because it was still accurate, but I really should get rid of it.
There's something a bit too absolute and limiting about your statements:
Unfortunately, the text width must be the same on all pages. If you change the width from one page to the next, the text will not necessarily line up.
Taken out of context, this sounds very dire for ConTeXt. Might I suggest a qualifier "must be the same on all pages *that are part of the same text flow*."
Yes, I completely agree. I thought of this as well. I'll change this. Thanks again. I think your input has made my document stronger, and I hope my document will help my ConTeXt easier to understand, even in a small way. Paul -- ************************ *Paul Tremblay * *phthenry@iglou.com * ************************