Dear Sirs I need to draw some simple eletrical circuits. I try metapost (mpcirc.mp) and cicruitikz, but i found error messages in both. Is there a way to draw eletrical circuits in ConTeXt? Thanks in advance for your support. Jorge ConTeXt ver: 2014.02.14 17:07 MKIV beta fmt: 2014.2.15 int: english/english ######### with mpcirc.mp ###### With this code: \startMPinclusions input mpcirc; \stopMPinclusions \starttext %\forceMPTEXgraphictrue %%% command don't work \startMPcode u:=10bp; % unit of length prepare(L,C,Vac); % mention your elements z0=(10u,10u); % lower right node ht:=6u; % height of circuit z1=z0+(0,ht); % upper right node C=.5[z0,z1]; % location of capacitor L.t=T.r; % use default orientation C.t=Vac.t=T.u; % components rotated 90 degrees % set the distance between Voltage and Capacitor equally_spaced(5u,0) Vac, C; L=z1-0.5(C-Vac); % location of spool edraw; % draw components of the circuit % draw wires connecting components % the first ones rotated 90 degrees wire.v(Vac.a,z0); wire.v(Vac.b,L.a); wire.v(L.b,z1); wire(C.a,z0); wire(C.b,z1); \stopMPcode \stoptext I found this error message: metapost > error: (mpcirc.mp (ttex.mp) (circlib.mp
circlib.mp circlib.mpx ! ! Unable to make mpx file. l.39 def Eplus_ = btex $+$etex enddef;
############ With Circuitikz ####### If i try use Circuitikz with this test code: \usemodule[circuitikz] \starttext A simple example to test the installation. \startcircuitikz[scale=1.2] \draw (0,2) to[I=1\milli\ampere] (2,2) to[R, l_=2\kilo\ohm, *-*] (0,0) to[R, l_=2\kilo\ohm] (2,0) to[V, v_=2\volt] (2,2) to[cspst, l=$t_0$] (4,2) -- (4,1.5) to [generic, i=$i_1$, v=$v_1$] (4,-.5) -- (4,-1.5) (0,2) -- (0,-1.5) to[V, v_=4\volt] (2,-1.5) to [R, l=1\kilo\ohm] (4,-1.5); \stopcircuitikz \stoptext The error message is: (/Applications/Context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/generic/circuitikz/pgfcircquadpoles.sty) (/Applications/Context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/generic/circuitikz/pgfcirclabel.sty) (/Applications/Context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/generic/circuitikz/pgfcircvoltage.sty) (/Applications/Context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/generic/circuitikz/pgfcirccurrent.sty)) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. system > tex > error on line 16 in file /Applications/Context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/generic/circuitikz/t-circuitikz.tex: Missing \endcsname inserted ... 6 \usepgflibrary[decorations.pathmorphing] 7 \usetikzlibrary[calc] 8 9 \unprotect 10 11 \input circuitikz.code.tex 12 13 % defaults 14 15 \setupmodule[current=european, voltage=european, resistor=american, inductor=cute, logic=american, siunitx=true, arrowmos=false] 16 >> 17 \processaction[\currentmoduleparameter{voltage}] 18 [ european=>\ctikzset{voltage=european}, 19 american=>\ctikzset{voltage=american} 20 ] #################