Hi, I was trying to install the minimals on my SunOS remote server (to have access to MkIV everywhere). But first-install.sh reports the following errors: remote-1 ~/bin/usr/share/context:>./first-setup.sh receiving incremental file list sent 31 bytes received 126 bytes 104.67 bytes/sec total size is 4834848 speedup is 30795.21 ld.so.1: texlua: Schwerer Fehler: Verschiebungsfehler: Datei /storage3_l0/home1/std11815/bin/usr/share/context/bin/texlua: Symbol asprintf: referenziertes Symbol nicht gefunden ./first-setup.sh: line 103: 6759 Killed (Abgebrochen) mtxrun --verbose --script ./bin/mtx-update.lua --update --make --force --engine=all --context=beta --platform=$platform --texroot=$PWD/tex $@ remote-1 ~/bin/usr/share/context:>uname -a SunOS remote-1 5.10 Generic_127128-11 i86pc i386 i86pc Is SunOS x86 not supported? On the luatex home page I see there are binaries available. best regards Marco