Dear all,
I follow up my own post to answer my own question:
Antoine Junod
* My 'printer' (the company that will print the booklet for me, not sure that the good word) asks me to provide him with a document that is 2mm larger and 2mm higher that the final one to be sure he can print precisely to the exact border of the paper. I don't want to magnify the whole document as it will maybe cut some information. Any idea on how I could achive that?
What I did first has been to define two new paper sizes. The first one, pca4 is the format I have to send to the printer. The second one is exactly half size of the first one: \definepapersize[pca4][width=212mm,height=299mm] \definepapersize[pca5][width=149.5mm, height=212mm] Then, I put two pca5 on one pca5: \setuppapersize[pca5][pca4] \setuparranging[2UP,rotated] The only thing I changed to my layout was the outside margin (rightmargin), to which I added pca5.width minus a5.width (that is 1.5mm). \definelayout [default] [leftmargin=0mm,rightmargin=25.5mm, % instead of 24mm topspace=0mm,backspace=10mm, width=115mm,height=middle] \setuplayout[location=middle] \setuplayout[default] This is not a good solution because the 'security' milimeters are part of the margin (ie, if you center something in the margin, it won't be still centered after printing / cutting). So, if anybody has a solution to even 'extend' the borders of a given size or put graphics on the 'container' (here, pca4), I'm a buyer :) Thanks to everybody, -AJ