23 Apr
23 Apr
5:04 p.m.
Hi ConTeXt User's, Again I'm struggling with MKIV! I get the following error message: ! Argument of \HeadTitle has an extra } My environment file contains the following definition: \def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hfill \lbox to 2cm{\hsize 7cm #2}% \egroup} \setuphead [chapter] [command=\HeadTitle] In the text I use: \chapter[voorwrd]{Voorwoord} I updated to the following version: ConTeXt ver: 2013.04.20 01:15 MKIV current fmt: 2013.4.22 int: english/english, but must admit that I haven't used ConTeXt for quite a while! Probably I've missed something but couldn't find any hint from the mail archive to solve this problem, sorry! Regards, Verhaag,G.C.H.M.