On 25 Apr 2024, at 16:08, Fabrice Couvreur
wrote: Hi Taco, I knew I wouldn't be able to explain what was happening. The code works perfectly and the figure is clearly visible in the component chapter-14 :
It is probably not related to the figure itself. Something may be different in this component compared to the other ones. I cannot really say, of course. Still, using external image instead of inline metapost may be fix it. Not elegant, but if it works it works! Good luck, Taco
\startcomponent[chapter-14] \startMPpage ... \stopMPpage \stopcomponent
But if I compile my project, it disappears !!
\startproduct[terminale-manual] \startbodymatter \component[chapter-1] \component[chapter-2] \component[chapter-3] \component[chapter-4] \component[chapter-5] \component[chapter-6] \component[chapter-7] \component[chapter-8] \component[chapter-9] \component[chapter-10] \component[chapter-11] \component[chapter-12] \component[chapter-13] \component[chapter-14] \stopbodymatter \stopproduct
— Taco Hoekwater E: taco@bittext.nl genderfluid (all pronouns)