Am 02.10.2010 um 02:16 schrieb Talal Al-Azem:
My apologies if I'm dumbing down the level of discussion here. But I'm trying to get my head around fonts and bidirectionality using ConTeXt MkIV (as a rather unsophisticated user, not as a developer).
To begin with, since it's all bit much at once, I'm trying to use simplefonts. I am unclear how to establish English as my language and its font as my main font (using the default font), and Arabic as a secondary language (using Scheherazade).
What would I change in the ara-sty environment found on wiki.contextgarden.net/Arabic_and_Hebrew? Or, if I don't need to use this, should I define my own macro in my tex document for directionality?
I'm probably making a mess of some basic things here, but could use some help. I have working familiarity with Fontspec over on the XeLaTeX side of things, but the sparse documentation of simplefonts is leading to my uncertainty as how to proceed.
\usemodule[simplefonts] %\setmainfont[Antykwa Poltawskiego] \setmainfontfallback[Scheherazade][range={arabic,arabicpresentationformsa,arabicpresentationformsb,arabicsupplement}] \starttext \input knuth \textdir TRT أهلا بالعالم! \stoptext Wolfgang