Hans van der Meer wrote:
When I code: abc {\variant[xyz] pqr} I find extra space typeset between "abc" and "pqr".
This extra space is absent when I code abc {\variant[xyz]pqr} Thus the space in the source between ] and pqr makes a difference in the result.
Clearly visible in: abc {\variant[xyz] pqr} abc {\variant[xyz]pqr}\crlf abc {\Var[xyz]pqr} abc {\Var[xyz] pqr}\crlf
I would think that this should not happen.
The whitespace goes away by inserting an \ignorespaces in the variant- definition. \def\variant[#1]% slow {\dosetscaledfont \expanded{\definedfont [\truefontname{\fontstringA\fontstylesuffix\fontvariant \fontstringA{#1}} at \scaledfont]}\ignorespaces}
Still using version 2005-11-14, forget this if already corrected in the latest version of the 30th.
before we do that ... do others agree (taco, adam ...)? we don't want compatibility issues -) btw, a better sulution is to use \ignoreimplicitspaces: \def\ignoreimplicitspaces {\doifnextcharelse\relax\relax\relax} abc {x\variant[xyz]\space pqr} abc {\variant[xyz]pqr}\crlf abc {\variant[xyz]\space pqr} abc {\variant[xyz]pqr}\crlf abc {\variant[xyz] pqr} abc {\variant[xyz]pqr}\crlf abc {\variant[xyz]{x} pqr} abc {\variant[xyz]pqr}\crlf otherwise you run into problems with macros that want to insert a space explicitly Hans Hans