Hi, whats the best method to determine the current horizontal position in the text because I want to write a commands which behaves different whether it appears at the begin, end or in the middle of the text. pdfTeX’s savepos information are not the best method because it could take (in the worst case) to many when i have many macros in a paragraph, display math mode can give me the information i want (in combination with savepos information) but i wan't to know if there a side effects. Example: \def\position {\bgroup \forgetdisplayskips \everymath{}% \everydisplay{}% $$\xdef\theposition{\the\predisplaysize}$$% \vskip-2\baselineskip \hskip\dimexpr\theposition-2em\relax \ifhmode\aftergroup\space\fi\aftergroup\theposition \egroup} \starttext text text \position{} text text text text text text text \position{} text \stoptext Wolfgang