Am 29.01.2010 um 00:46 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 29.01.10 00:36, schrieb Bernhard Rosensteiner:
is there a source where i can find such definitions? I mean for other symbols and „hard to type“ characters For MkII look in the enco-xxx.mkii files, for MkIV you can find all commands in char-def.lua
rover:base wolf$ grep contextname char-def.lua contextname="quotedbl", contextname="textdollar", contextname="percent", contextname="quotesingle", contextname="textslash", contextname="textbackslash", contextname="textasciicircum", contextname="textunderscore", contextname="textgrave", contextname="idotaccent", contextname="textbraceleft", contextname="textbar", ...
The values of contextname are available as commands in ConTeXt.
wow - millions of definitions. Thanks a lot. best regards Bernhard