Hallo. I've got a problem with metapost -> pdf translation. Since mptopdf is still broken in the last ConTeXt beta in the minimal distribution, I use "mtxrun --script metapost --split". It works well, only it ignores font setting. My code is like this: verbatimtex \definetypeface [times] [rm] [serif] [times] [default] [encoding=ec] \definetypeface [times] [mm] [math] [times] [default] [encoding=ec] \setupbodyfont [times,10pt] etex; beginfig(1); label(btex A $a_i$ etex,origin); endfig; end. I believe that the code in the verbatimtex ... etex environment should switch the major font to Times (it works with "texexec --mptex"). However, it is ignored by the "mtxrun --script metapost --split" script---Computer Modern in 12pt is used instead of Times in 10pt. Is there any way around this problem? Many thanks for your help. Best wishes, Michal Kvasnicka