In my Linux home folder I have the usual “~/.fonts/” folder in which I have put subfolders “~/.fonts/opentype/” and “~/.fonts/truetype/”. Inside those subfolders I would like font families to have their own subfolders. When I set the font search path by running export OSFONTDIR="/usr/local/share/fonts;$HOME/.fonts/opentype;$HOME/.fonts/truetype" from the command line followed by mtxrun --script fonts --reload only the fonts in the /truetype/ subfolders are recognised. This means I have to put all my opentype fonts directly into the /opentype/ folder. On Stackexchange I found a solution http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/209705/context-system-font-search-pat... which says that putting “//” after the folder made the search recursive, but neither export OSFONTDIR="/usr/local/share/fonts//;$HOME/.fonts/opentype//;$HOME/.fonts/truetype//" nor export OSFONTDIR="/usr/local/share/fonts//;$HOME/.fonts//" works for me. What am I missing? (Typo maybe?) Being able to put opentype font families into subfolders as well would be a great help to keep a clear view of all my fonts. Greetings Jörg