Am 30.09.24 um 20:14 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 9/30/2024 6:22 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Hi, since the latest update, I have differences in line/paragraph/page breaking. I should have expected that vz and granular aren’t stable yet, but maybe it’s a problem in my setup and not even related to that update.
* widow and orphan penalties seem to work different, preferring empty lines over single lines. * looseness doesn’t seem to work any more.
Were there changes?
Not intentionally. We're bringing widow and club penalties stepwise under \setupalign control so maybe something was forgotten. For instance, \widowpenalty and \widowpenalties are competing and the next upload will deal with that (first we need to test some complex documents).
It’s probably something I changed and can’t find it in my git log. Generally it seems to be a bit better than before, needs less trickery, but it’s different enough that I had to start work on my current book from the beginning. It’s a novel of ~650 pages with a big range of paragraph lengths (some dialogues with short lines as well as paragraphs that span pages). “Of course” you often get a 3-line paragraph over a page break – it’s hard to avoid widows and orphans. I already do without grid, VZ works, HZ also should (I didn’t check with a tracker, and it’s not so extreme that I’d see it), but it’s not enough to automatically avoid single lines. If a paragraph starts at page breaks, I can tweak the layout like \page\setuplayout[narrow]. I defined narrow, normal, and wide versions with 1 mm difference. Before I didn’t know you can call named layouts like this, also relative page numbers like \definelayout[+1][wide] are nice. If that’s not enough, I’m using \letterspacing with tiny ± values. So much about dirty tricks. ;) Hraban