Am Montag, 17. Juni 2024, 23:50:16 MESZ schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 6/17/2024 5:07 PM, Gerion Entrup wrote:
I'm using LaTeX-Beamer and TikZ for figure typesetting. With this combination, it is easy to combine Beamer's animation system with TikZ transparency feature. This way, the resulting PDFs contain the full graphic on every page, but parts of it are invisible for a specific page. One of these files is attached as an example.
The problem is to embed these PDFs into a ConTeXt document. For example, this MWE seems to not respect transparency (see mwe.pdf): ``` \starttext \externalfigure[fig.pdf][page=1] \stoptext ```
I use Okular/Poppler as PDF viewer. Can I fix this somehow or is it a bug somewhere deeper? next time check the file that you include ... it has no transparency (it has zero values)
I don't really have a clue about the PDF standard. It is made with the TikZ opacity flag therefore I thought it controls the transparency. See the attached tex file to reproduce fig.pdf (compilation with `latexmk -pdflua fig.tex`). I also found a workaround. It is possible to import fig.pdf with Inkscape and export just the correct page as PDF again and embed that in ConTeXt: ``` inkscape --export-page=1 fig.pdf --export-type=pdf --export-filename=1.pdf ``` Gerion