Also I would like to ask if file lang-spe.mkii have some equivalent in MkIV and where the language specifics are defined (in which file)? Or is it treated in enco files?
in mkiv we don't have (want) language specifics ... why do yoi need them?
Well I actually don't need them, I browse source codes and I found it there. It looks quite useful so I was wondering, if in MkIV is this implemented as well. Could you please tell me, why specifics weren't implemented in MkIV (why don't we want them)? And is there any other mechanics which replace language specifics in MkIV? And just to be sure. In MkII language specifics are still working, right? Also are there any documents or information sources where I could find info about encoding in ConTeXt? I could use them for my bachelor thesis. Thank you for answer. Tomas Pustelnik