Thanks a lot for this great solution.
2015-11-12 18:14 GMT+00:00 Wolfgang Schuster
11. November 2015 um 19:01 Dear Sirs, I'm trying to make a exam for my students. After the question I should provide a blank space for the answer. In the margin I want write the partial scores for the answer. The problem occurs when I force a new page. In this case the text in the margin is flushed to the next page. I don't want this behavior. How can I can this?
Margin texts are flushed with the next paragraph but you can start one for the points only with the \dontleavehmode command.
\define[1]\Info {\dontleavehmode\margindata[inmargin]{\rotate{#1}}}
Another question: How can I anchor the scores in the middle of the vertical blank space? This \vskip4cm\Info{scores}\vskip4cm don't make the job.
You can use the \framed command to reserve the space for the answer and place with the score with a layer as background for the frame.
\setupmargindata[inmargin][style={\ss\tfx},location=outer,align=middle] \setupmarginframed[inmargin][align=middle,location=outer]
\setlayer[infolayer][preset=middleright]{\rotate{\getvariable{infotext}{points}}} \stopsetups
\define[2]\Info {\par \setvariable{infotext}{points}{#2}% \infobox[height=#1]{}}
\startitemize[n] \starthead{Question 1} \Info{9cm}{20 \periods[3] 15 \periods[3] 10} \stophead \starthead{Question 2} \Info{8cm}{20 \periods[3] 15 \periods[3] 10} \stophead \starthead{Question 3} \Info{6cm}{20 \periods[3] 15 \periods[3] 10} \stophead \stopitemize
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