2010/1/5 Curiouslearn
Vladimir, I am not sure that the settings are incorrect. Why does it work with MKII then? Also it worked with MKIV before. It broke only recently. Sorry, I didn't try to check texexec (MKII) also I just checked context (MKIV).
Can someone please throw light on this? Is the disapperance of the numbers, as Vladimir suggests, expected behavior of the minimal example in MKIV. I also notice the difference between resulted pdf files produced by MKII and MKIV: MKIV gives labels _below_ line respect to item entry but MKII gives labels on the same line as item entry (also MKIV moves labels much more to left edge). This is what I figured out, sorry I too novice with ConTeXt and can't give more information on topic.
2010/1/5 Wolfgang Schuster
Am 05.01.2010 um 14:22 schrieb Curiouslearn:
Vladimir, I am not sure that the settings are incorrect. Why does it work with MKII then? Also it worked with MKIV before. It broke only recently.
Add 'headalign=flushright'.
Hm, this gives more unpleasant result for MKIV format but reveals the problem of "disappearing" :) --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov