On 2014-10-15 17:06, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 15.10.2014 um 21:03 schrieb Rik Kabel
: I am not sure I understand the need for symstyle and symcolor. The issue is not that the symbols are not styled/colored, but that they do not appear at all when a non-normal style is specified. What I see with the example I posted is:
and I assume that Sander saw a similar issue. Note that there are no square brackets present as defined for layer 2.
I realize that style=normal for level 3 should perhaps be style=\tf, since normal is redefined to slanted within the scope of layer 2. With that change to my example, I get
This still has the lack of square brackets, and now in addition lacks curly braces for level 3. If your fix is meant to repair that, all is well. If not, could you explain why “it's deliberate and has always been the case in mkiv”? When you use “location=text” context checks the value of the style key, when the value of the key is “normal” the left and right arguments are used but when you use a different value (e.g. slanted) context applies only the style and color values.
Thank you, Wolfgang, for that explanation of what is being done. Can you explain why this is done? It would seem, given the name of the command, that the delimiter is more important than the styling, and so I suspect that there is some historical reason that this behavior was chosen. Styling can be done within the text, as can delimiters, but the benefit of the command is that it should be able to manage multiple levels automatically. -- Rik Kabel