On 18 avr. 09, at 14:15, Hans Hagen wrote:
[…] it all depends how we define conversions
- numeric (1,2,3,4) - alphabetic (a,b,c,d)
numeric is used in chapter numbering and alphabetic for instance in itemized (ok, all can be used everywhere but those are most common)
so, the question is ... how do we define the commands ... maybe we need:
\def\abjadnumerals #1{\ctxlua{converters.abjadnumerals(\number#1)}} \def \abjadnodotnumerals #1{\ctxlua{converters.abjadnodotnumerals(\number#1)}} \def \abjadnaivenumerals#1{\ctxlua{converters.abjadnumerals(\number#1)}}
\defineconversion [arabicnumerals] [\abjadnumerals] \defineconversion [persiannumerals] [\abjadnumerals]
Idris ... any ideas about this? We never finished this so it's about time
Hi Hans, What you are saying about conversions makes sense indeed, and the code you sent works fine as far as conversion to alphabetic numeration is considered (the "abjad" numbering would correspond to the use of "roman" numbering in items and pages, such as i, ii, iii, iv, etc, or to the "alphabetic" numbering a, b, c, d, etc). However my point is slightly different: the ordinal numbers in mkiv, while using Arabic or Persian, begin at zero instead of beginning at one. Here is an example: \setupdirections[bidi=global] \pagedir TRT \bodydir TRT \pardir TRT \textdir TRT \starttypescript [serif][arabic] \usetypescript [serif][fallback] \definefontsynonym [Serif][name:SimpleNaskhi] [features=arabic] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [arabic] \definetypeface [arabic][rm] [serif] [arabic] [default] \stoptypescript \usetypescript[arabic] \setupbodyfont[arabic,12pt] \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\recurselevel\quad\persiannumerals{\recurselevel}\par} \stoptext In front of "1" you'll see the Arabic or Persian "0" that is ".", which is incorrect. Thanks again for your attention, Best regards: OK