On Thursday 07 October 2010 09:19:42 Hans Hagen wrote:
On 7-10-2010 12:02, Stefan Müller wrote:
Splitting up long source code in several pieces (one per page) and put them in separate figures doesn't seem right to me. Setting it as numbered paragraph? Putting up a fake caption with \placefloatcaption (which doesn't seem to work in MkIV)? Are there other possiblities of numbering (by section) more or less big chunks of source code I'm not thinking of? That would help me very much. Thanks for thinking about that.
you can make your own construct, maybe something with a background (textbackgrounds can cross pages)
Hello, I use textbackgrounds to set-off paragraphs, for example, here as secondary material. It does not float and, indeed, may flow over many pages. This is a concrete example (to which you could add line numbering): \definetextbackground [secondary] [location=paragraph, background=color,backgroundscreen=middlegray, leftoffset=0.5cm,rightoffset=0.5cm, topoffset=.25ex,bottomoffset=.25ex, before={\blank[small]\switchtobodyfont[script]}, after={\blank[small]}, frame=off] \kindofpagetextareas3 % fix from Hans % Indeed, there are several internal methods available % for managing text areas. Without this fix, the background % color bleeds over footnotes and floats external to the % secondary material. \startsecondary Here is some less interesting detailed stuff that can be skipped if you wish… \stopsecondary Alan