Hello everyone, This must be the second thread I initiate this year on the list, but unlike my previous post (http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2010/048296.html), this is actually serious. I hereby announce the next ConTeXt meeting, that will take place on the island of Porquerolles off the coast of the French Riviera, from Monday, September 19th, 2011, to Saturday, September 24th. The conference venue has been pre-booked for these dates, so this is firm. Of course, there is yet nothing like a set program at this moment, so we're expecting your proposals (there will be a formal call for papers later). Watch this page: http://meeting.contextgarden.net/2011/ Registration is not yet open, but will be in a few weeks. The fee is notably higher than it was for the previous ConTeXt meetings (see http://meeting.contextgarden.net/2011/fee.shtml). I'm sorry about that, but that is the best I can do in this place, short of feeding on black roots and camping in the woods or on the beach (which is forbidden anyway on the island, it's a protected area apart for the village). But food will instead be excellent, obviously, and wine is included in the price of the meals (that was actually one of the first things I was told by the people at the conference venue). See you in Porquerolles! Arthur