On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
Am 20.03.2013 um 09:25 schrieb Marcin Borkowski:
That is quite true, though not that easy. In essence, I think someone would have to be paid for tracking the mailing list and updating manuals. AFAIK, Sietse does a great job updating the wiki, but the wiki is not necessarily the easiest thing to go to for newbies (as you have noticed).
It is quite obvious for me that Pragma won't fund such an enterprise (not that I'm claiming it should - of course not!). I think the only body which might do it is either TUG, either some other UG - but then, I guess they are already funding LaTeX3 (which is kind of a competitor - albeit friendly - to ConTeXt), either font projects (TeX Gyre!), which are quite beneficial to the ConTeXt ecosystem, too.
I do not get you here. Garden just needs a little redesigning or more correctly cleaning up. I see no need for funding.
Marcin wasn't talking about organizing the wiki page, but about writing up-to-date and complete manuals (in PDF) which is nearly impossible with the speed that Hans keeps developing ConTeXt ;). Mojca