Am 23.02.2012 um 12:42 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:
On 02/23/2012 12:27 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
\define[2]\NumberedblockquoteCommand {\setupindenting[no] \startlinenumbering[width=1cm][\annotationparameter{start}]% #2% \stoplinenumbering}
\defineannotation [numberedblockquote] [alternative=command, %indenting=no, command=\NumberedblockquoteCommand]
thanks a lot for your solution. It works beautifully with the minimal example, but I can't use it in my project: it only works with a recent beta, but since footnotes are so badly broken, I need to use an older beta for typesetting this book project. Any chance of having a more generic solution without the annotation module?
\def\startnumberedblockquote {\dosingleempty\dostartnumberedblockquote} \def\dostartnumberedblockquote[#1]% {\getrawparameters[numberedblockquote][start=1,#1]% \blank[line]% \begingroup \setupindenting[no]% \startlinenumbering[width=1cm][\numberedblockquotestart]} \def\stopnumberedblockquote {\stoplinenumbering \endgroup \blank[line]} Wolfgang