On Tue, 13 May 2008, 302302 wrote:
Hi, I need to use a multieqaution in this form ( http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2372/eqsx3.png ). I am mostly interested in the right brace and the indentation after the "subject to". I tried to use mathmatrix but without success. Can you help me with it?
I am using nested matrices, but this is one case which will be best solved by something equivalent for gathered and aligned. It has been on my todo list for a long time. Here is a solution using nested matrices, where I use \noalign to fake correct spacing after the first line (and changed the \cdots in the last condition to \dots). \definemathmatrix[rightbrace][left={\left.},right={\,\right\}},n=1,align=left] \starttext \placeformula[+] \startformula \startrightbrace \NC \min \{c_1 x_1 + c_2 x_2 + \cdots + c_n x_n \} \NR \noalign{\vskip 0.2em} \NC \text{subject to} \NR \NC \quad \startmathmatrix[n=9,align={middle,middle,middle, middle,middle,middle,right,middle,middle}, distance=0.3em] \NC a_{11} x_1 \NC + \NC a_{12} x_2 \NC + \NC \cdots \NC + \NC a_{1n} x_n \NC = \NC b_1 \NR \NC a_{21} x_1 \NC + \NC a_{22} x_2 \NC + \NC \cdots \NC + \NC a_{2n} x_n \NC = \NC b_2 \NR \NC \NC \NC \vdots \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \vdots \NR \NC a_{m1} x_1 \NC + \NC a_{m2} x_2 \NC + \NC \cdots \NC + \NC a_{mn} x_n \NC = \NC b_m \NR \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \llap{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n} \NC \ge \NC 0. \stopmathmatrix \NR \stoprightbrace \stopformula \stoptext Aditya