12 May
12 May
9:59 a.m.
Michail Vidiassov wrote:
Dear Hans and All,
in char-def.lua there are no "adobename" for "greekDelta" AKA "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA" "greekOmega" AKA "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA" "greekmu" AKA "GREEK SMALL LETTER MU"
because adobenames Delta, Omega and mu are used for "INCREMENT", "OHM SIGN", "textmu" AKA "MICRO SIGN".
While the issue is of infinitesimal and only potential significance, may be it is worth a fix.
I am not so sure a fix is needed. At the moment, the only for "adobename" is inconjunction with Type1 fonts. Fonts using the new Agl you referenced below will likely be OTFs. For those the name is irrelevant, while on the other hand 'fixing' the names may break usage with older fonts. Best wishes, Taco