Hi Thomas, Luigi and Hans, I have a feature suggestion that might be interesting to implement for critical editions. Here is my code sample: \mainlanguage[la] \unexpanded\def\doVariant#1#2#3% {\startlinenote[#1]{#2] #3}#2% \prewordbreak\stoplinenote[#1]} \newcounter\VarCounter \unexpanded\def\Variant {\doglobal\increment\VarCounter \normalexpanded{\doVariant{Varia:\VarCounter}}} \starttext \startlinenumbering Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, \Variant{quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur}{{\em om} X}. \blank Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, \startlinenote[firstone]{quarum ... appelantur] {\em om} X}quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur\stoplinenote[firstone]. \stoplinenumbering \stoptext To automatically get the text reduced to the form that appears in the second paragraph, there should be a command for that. In this text reduction, one should be able to set how many words (no punctuation marks) should contain the text to be reduced, how many words should be printed before the separator, how many words should be printed after the separator and which is the separator. I don’t know whether this could be a good way of coding it: \definetextreduction[caesarcompressed] \setuptextreduction[caesarcompressed][totallength=5, wordsbeforesep=1, wordsaftersep=1, separator={...}] I think this feature may be especially relevant with TEI encoded texts. There is a shortcoming on my proposal: only words have to be counted and added to the output and punctuation signs should be ignored. But this is clearly limited, since exclamation and question marks (Spanish has both opening and closing marks for exclamation and question: ¿? ¡!) should not be counted as words (total, after or before), but they should be included in the reduced version of the text. The same happens with apostrophe. And I wonder whether the same rules should be applied to quotation marks. There is a special case: the semicolon is also used as question mark in Greek. I think it is clear than the semicolon should be removed for the reduced text in other languages than Greek, but it should be included (not counted) in Greek reduced texts. I hope the proposal and the issues it might arise are clear. Please, ask if they aren’t. Many thanks for your excellent work, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk